Why is the Same item Cheaper on Taobao Compared to Alibaba?

Have you ever found the same product on both Alibaba and Taobao, but surprisingly, the price on Taobao was much cheaper? This can lead one to wonder, how is this possible? Are the wholesalers on Alibaba overpricing the products?

Comparison of Business Models of Taobao and Alibaba

Taobao primarily provides retail services for individual consumers. It is a marketplace where individual sellers list their products for retail consumers to purchase. Many of these sellers are manufacturers selling directly, which can result in lower prices.

On the other hand, Alibaba primarily serves businesses and provides wholesale services. This platform is commonly used for bulk orders where wholesalers or manufacturers list their products for businesses to buy in large quantities.

TaobaoAverage Labor Cost (USD/hour)
Target Customers Individual ConsumersBusinesses
Order VolumeSmallLarge
PriceGenerally lower per itemLower per item when bought in bulk

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Price Differences between Factory Direct Sales and Wholesalers

Many sellers on Taobao are manufacturers selling directly to consumers (factory direct sales). This approach allows them to cut out middlemen, which can result in lower costs and, subsequently, lower prices.

Contrarily, many sellers on Alibaba are wholesalers. They purchase products from manufacturers in large quantities and resell them. Wholesalers need to factor in more costs, such as storage, shipping, and handling, in their pricing strategies. Hence, their prices can be higher per unit, especially when compared to prices on a retail platform like Taobao.

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Other Factors Affecting Prices

Bulk purchases on platforms like Alibaba often come with discounts. This means that the per-unit price might be lower if you’re buying in large quantities, which can make Alibaba more cost-effective for big orders.

Moreover, products across different platforms may not be identical, even if they seem similar at first glance. Variations in quality, model, brand, or version can also contribute to the price differences. Some sellers might offer products at a lower price but with a lower quality or a different version. Hence, it is essential to carefully examine the product details and seller information before making a purchase.

Shopping Advice

When shopping on platforms like Taobao or Alibaba, it’s important to not only compare prices but also understand the background and business model of the seller. Factors like whether the seller is a factory direct outlet or a wholesaler, the order quantity, and the specific details of the product can all significantly impact the final price you pay.

Here are some tips for a better shopping experience:

  1. Compare Prices: Always compare prices across different platforms and sellers for the same or similar products.
  2. Understand the Seller: Know whether the seller is a factory direct outlet or a wholesaler. This can affect the price and the quality of the product.
  3. Check Product Details: Be sure to carefully review the details of the product, including the brand, model, and version, before making a purchase.


The difference in prices between Taobao and Alibaba primarily stems from their differing business models, with Taobao featuring many factory direct outlets that offer lower prices, and Alibaba acting mainly as a platform for wholesalers. Other factors like product details and bulk purchasing options can also contribute to this difference. It’s always advisable for shoppers to understand these aspects to make the most informed purchasing decisions.

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